HOw smart are you... Really

There are so many smart people in the world and so many people who think that there smart + there are the dumb people. Would you like to find out how smart you are. Will you be a genius or will you fall down to the dust?

Are you a genius? Or are you smart? or maybe your dumb? whatever you think you are come and find out the truth with this quiz!!! Will you be awesomely smart or stupidely annoying?

Created by: juliette
  1. Whats 78+399?
  2. 11x78
  3. Waht country started world war 2?
  4. What was the date of black saturday?
  5. What grades do you normally get in Math?
  6. what does 12x12=?
  7. What was the boat captin cook sailed to Australia?
  8. What was the name of the australian animal that survived black saturday?
  9. Who was the 3rd son of yongzheng the emperor?
  10. When did Barack Obama's mother die?

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Quiz topic: HOw smart am I... Really