how smart are you?

there are many smart people on earth, but who are these people. whats a smart person? hes someone who has a great clever thinking mind, are you one of them?

ARE YOU A SMARTY?? well take the quiz and find out!! in minuits you'll get you'r score, and know what you truly made of!!!!!! now take the smarty quiz, and know your minds grade!!!! and good luck!

Created by: rika

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. first of all "rate your smartness" that you think you are. as 100 the most smarty.
  2. let's start now. how many days are in a year?
  3. how many deserts are there in north america?
  4. whats the largest continent, on earth?
  5. whats the largest animal on lannd?
  6. whats a vitilgo?
  7. what does CD stand for?
  8. what is the largest library in the world?
  9. NOW, "fun questions" are you ready?
  10. Why is it called a “drive through” if you have to stop?
  11. Why are Softballs hard?
  12. Can blind people see their dreams?
  13. If electricity comes from electrons, does morality come from morons?!!
  14. How come you press harder on a remote control when you know the battery is dead?
  16. wats ur grandad's brother's sister's boyfriend's aunt's friend's cousin's brother's mom's uncle's boyfriend's sister's cousin's friend's dad's granfather's grandmother's brother's sister's boyfriend's uncle's brother in law's friend's sister in law's great grandfather's ex-girlfriend's cousin's mother's son's daughter's boyfriend in law's FAVORITE BOOK?!

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Quiz topic: How smart am I?