how smart are you

This is a quiz for people who think they are smart, if you think that then do this quiz right now. If you can't do it, then don't worry you can't win them all.

Are you smart, do you have the intellectual mind for this quiz?. If you do then this quiz is definitely for you, don't choke on the hard ones just put your mind to good use.

Created by: Mark Pass
  1. The amount of force used to bite a carrot is the same amount to bite off
  2. This is a riddle: what has roots as nobody sees, is taller than trees, up up it goes and yet never grows
  3. How many apples do you have if you take away 2 of them
  4. Emily loves cats, she has some as pets, all but 2 are white all but 2 are black and all but 2 are ginger so how many cats does she have
  5. What relation is your nieces brother to you
  6. What is The square root of 256 and DON'T USE A CALCULATER
  7. Is there a 4th of July in England
  8. If there are 12 fish and 6 drown how many are left
  9. What is the biggest island in the world
  10. Chole was in a race and at the end she overtook 2nd place why didn't she win

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Quiz topic: How smart am I