How smart are you?

Everyone has there inner genius, time to show yours! This quiz has questions from math to American history. This is a complex quiz made to reflect the smarts inside of your brain.

Take this quiz and in just minutes you will find out exactly how much knowledge is in that brain of yours. I would like to thank go to for making this possible.

Created by: Delilah finch
  1. What is 2 plus 2
  2. The previously question was easy, this one is harder. What is 100 squared?
  3. What year was George Washington born?
  4. What two dog breeds are considered the two smartest dogs in the world
  5. Which black scientist named there lab, "Gods little workshop".
  6. Which of these metals are indestructible.
  7. What makes the moon shine at night?
  8. According to bible history. Who was the first man to be made?
  9. If two calicoe cats breed they will have...
  10. Who discovered electricity

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Quiz topic: How smart am I?