How Smart are YOU!

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There are many smart people, and many not to smart people too. Smart people tend to change the world for the better, Not-to-smart people change the world, but not necessarily to the benefit of anybody.

So? Which one are you? are you smart? or not? Too many questions? Get used to it. Here is your chance to find out exactly how smart you are. Why not take the chance?

Created by: Alicia

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Is this a test?
  2. What color are leaves?
  3. What does deaf mean?
  4. What are strawberries
  5. what is a noun?
  6. Whaat is wrong in this question?
  7. Is this a question?
  8. is * a star?
  9. Which is not an animal?
  10. Did you enjoy this quiz

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Quiz topic: How Smart am I!