how smart are you

there are few real geniuses people think they but they aren't so they can shut up!!! take my quiz its quite fun and you'll enjoy it very much so give it ago

are you a genius do u hav wat it takes to do my quiz its pretty tough and u hav to be clever really clever give the quiz ago and you can test urself!!

Created by: tom
  1. how many countries are there in the world
  2. who is the richest man ever to have graced the earth
  3. What animal can kill you without you noticing till your dead
  4. 80% of the human brain is water
  5. Carol Vordderman's IQ is 175
  6. What degree celcius does tungston burn at
  7. same question alimunium
  8. Will u rate
  9. Will u comment
  10. A crocidile can grow to be 30 metres long

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Quiz topic: How smart am I