how smart are you?

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In this quiz i will have question that are factual and may or may not know this is meant to be a fun quiz for everyone in the world please comment if you want any questions added!

This quiz is a fun and inspirational quiz if you are having a bad day you can take it and hopefully you will have a better day I hope you like this quiz because i love it!

Created by: Hi
  1. What was the worlds largest gift?
  2. Can you count to a million
  3. What is my name?
  4. When was easter in 2018
  5. Is learning farm a website?
  6. Is a worlds largest mansion real?
  7. Is the easter bunny real?
  8. Is your brain messed cause i think it is
  9. Is a polaroid such a thing
  10. Did i get over 1 hundred dollars for easter

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Quiz topic: How smart am I?
