How smart are you

This quiz provides questions that tests your knowledge and capabilities so please answer them using all the time you need thank you quiz takers from user1234

This will also have questions from the listed subjects math reading also make sure you have the correct information and have read it thoroughly thank you from user1234

Created by: User1234
  1. 5,345-1,234
  2. Sara has 8 dozens of eggs she eats 3/8 of the eggs how many eggs did she eat
  3. If you have 12 pieces of cake and eat 5/12 how many pieces of cake is remaining
  4. 8x7-(7+7)
  5. Read the article John walked by the school thinking what he would do today.He thought he would do another hard school day but he was wrong they did so many fun things. What point of view is the article told from
  6. If I had 2 people with me in 12 minutes and then 1 month later 209 more people joined how many did I have now
  7. Read the short story The school bus was leaving to go pick up the kids for school but he was late to get back cause he got stuck in traffic so he got in trouble and got fired he told them it was the traffic they didn’t believe them so he got fired he got so mad and he was done with work What job should he get next
  8. 42x2
  9. 200x10
  10. 100x1

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Quiz topic: How smart am I
