How Shakespeare are you?

"There is only one true Shakespeare in the world and that is himself but you can follow in his foosteps and hopefully leave your mark on the world and not just end up on the streets alone and lonely when trying to follow your dream,good luck."

Are you dramatic and generous?You are a new and improved Shakespeare and maybe you want to be like him.I understand why.He left his mark on the world pretty good and it hasn't quite come off yet.

Created by: Gillian
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you like to write poetry?
  2. Do you like drama or preforming?
  3. Are you a big fan of reading?
  4. Would you preform for to make people happy or greed?
  5. Do you like the dark or might?
  6. What is your favorite subject?
  7. If you got a million dollars,what would you spend one half of it on?
  8. Did you like this quiz?
  9. What color is your hair?
  10. Is this tha last question?(no offect)

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Quiz topic: How Shakespeare am I?