how sencitive are you?

a sencitive person is not able to hold their feelings back and most of them take it the wrong way even when its not intended from the point of view they see it.

You are a sencitive person and maybe all you need is a little attention, lots of love and understanding. Sometime that's really all we need to get by in this harsh world.

Created by: andrea
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. how do you react when you a mistake?
  2. if someone that you care about puts you down?
  3. if someone said "you look horrible today"?
  4. if someone called you FAT? would you?
  5. if you got a pimple would you?
  6. you think that everyone is out to get you?
  7. what do you think of your-self?
  8. when your in the mall with your girl/boy friend?
  9. if a guy/girl friend had just dumped you with-out a reason?
  10. if an ex walked in to your job with his/her new bf/gf?
  11. if someone thought that you were been annoying and told you to stop...would you?

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Quiz topic: How sencitive am I?