How Scooby-doo Are You?

My quiz is about Scooby-doo. If you take my quiz you will find out how much you know about Scooby-doo. Lets see how well you know Scooby-doo. Lets go and see. Hope you like this quiz I made for you. I hope you do good.

Scooby-doo is a popular cartoon character that has appeared both on TV and in the movies. Do you like Scooby as much as I do?

Created by: kellie
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is Scooby's favorite food?
  2. What is Scooby's full name?
  3. How many people in the gang?
  4. What is the name of the van?
  5. What is the town that they live in?
  6. What is Scooby's best friend?
  7. How many full length movies are there?
  8. How many monsters are there?
  9. Is Scooby still on?
  10. Do you watch Scooby?

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Quiz topic: How Scooby-doo am I? You can find more quizzes like this one in our Action-Adventure Quiz category.