heart or skull?

This quiz was created to answer the age old question: Heart or skull? Okay, so maybe it's not exactly age old but whatever you know? Anyway Please enjoy.

Yup a quiz to seee if you're a heart or a skull. That's what this is. Basicly it's a personality quiz but who cares? Just have fun and please enjoy! Oretty please with sugar on top and a cherry and candy and scooby snax?!?

Created by: alie

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What colors are best?
  2. Do u like bats?
  3. Pick an accessorie
  4. Shoes?
  5. Wat's on ur ipod?!
  6. Pick 1
  7. Wat would u name ur teddy bear?
  8. Last question: who is hottest?
  9. Okay I lied that wasn't the last question...
  10. Did u like this quiz?

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