How Satanic Are You?

Hi, everyone! How are you today? Have you ever wondered how SATANIC are you? Are you Satan, an angel, or a normal human being? Curious enough to find out?

Please feel free to take this quiz if you truly want to know how Satanic are you, which will be accurately shown. Also remember to comment at the end. Enjoy

Created by: I Wish You The Best
  1. What is your favorite color out of these?
  2. If someone insulted you, what would you do?
  3. Do you like weapons?
  4. What is your favorite time of the day?
  5. If someone you love have died, how do you react?
  6. How do your friends describe you?
  7. Have you ever wanted to kill someone?
  8. What is your favorite number out of these?
  9. Do you love the world?
  10. Okay last question. How Satanic do you think you are?

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Quiz topic: How Satanic am I?
