How Demonic Are You?

Hi, everyone! How are you doing today? Do you ever wonder how demonic are you? Are you Satan himself, the demon, an angel, or a decent person like most?

Take this quiz to find out if you are curious. It will show your inner demon once you finish. Also don't forget to comment and share your thoughts. Enjoy!

Created by: I Wish You The Best
  1. How demonic do you think you are?
  2. How angry would you get if someone insulted you?
  3. If someone comes up to you and shoves you, what would you do?
  4. What is your favorite kinds of movies?
  5. You were told that you are going to die in 12 months. How would you spend your last year on Earth?
  6. How do you treat other people?
  7. What is your favorite season out of these?
  8. What is your favorite type of color?
  9. If you see a little kid drowning in a pool, what would you do?
  10. What did you think about this quiz?

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Quiz topic: How Demonic am I?
