How Sandbachian are you

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Sandbach is still a small market town. Many true Sandbach people want to keep it that way. How Sandbachian are you? How much of your roots are in Sandbach.

How much change will have occurred to our lovely little market town by the end of the next decade. For those of us who like it just the way it is, lets see who can claim to be a true Sandbachian

Created by: ann evanson
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is the name of the Anglican church?
  2. How old are the ancient crosses in the market square?
  3. What name is synonymous with building heavy goods vehicles and military vehicles in Sandbach?
  4. What was the cinema called?
  5. The name of the famous lady who served delicious fish and chips from a shop on the cobbles in the 60s?
  6. What year did the boys school on Crewe road change from Grammar School to Comprehensive?
  7. What pub chain is shortly opening up in the old George building?
  8. What is the full name of the piece of public land where the weekly market is held/car park?
  9. What was the name of the garage on site of the current Glass House that sold speciality cars?
  10. What was the name of the town's football club before it became Sandbach United?

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Quiz topic: How Sandbachian am I