how small town are you?

Are you a townie? or do you even know what that means? How small is your town? well that's really all i wanted to say for this box..but they want me to fill it up so here

Think your town is small? or maybe you're a closet case townie? find out! well that's really all i wanted to say for this box..but they want me to fill it up so here

Created by: smalltowngirl

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Does you're town have a homless problem?
  2. Does you're town have a high school?
  3. Where do the local kids hang out?
  4. Do you have a Dunkin Donuts?
  5. Are you tired of filling these questions out?
  6. What's playing on your ipod?
  7. Whats your towns favorite sport?
  8. Are there any hospitals in your town?
  9. After reading the answers will you be offended in anyway?
  10. Will you ever leave your town?

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Quiz topic: How small town am I?