How romantic are you?

There may be very few smart peoples, and few true geniuses. If your not a genius, hey din't worry about it!! i'm not either!! i say that out of the most kind part of my heart!

Do you think that you are a genius?? well i don't know what you tink, or if you think, but hopefully you feel verry verry happy with the results you get!! Because if you don't well,too bad i guess!! Nah just kidding. (:

Created by: Bailey101

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is your ideal first date?
  2. First kiss on first date?
  3. Do you think that you are romantic?
  4. do you like this quiz?
  5. what is your most romantic thought?
  6. ummm.
  7. what would you wear to a first date?
  8. Would you rather...
  9. does your SO think your romantic?
  10. how many romantic dates have you had??

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Quiz topic: How romantic am I?