How Romantic Are You?

There are many different types of romantics, some lovers, some haters, some hopeless, some that just cant seem to find that right person. But if you try really hard to find the perfect person with the best standards that match your quality and personality then your are a true romantic.

Are YOU a romantic? Well try this quiz to see if you are one. But surely everyone is but they just dont know which romantic they are. But you will find out after the quiz. :)

Created by: Angelina

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you try TOO hard to please your partner?
  2. Do you occasionally buy your partner flowers or gifts?
  3. Do you want your partner to like your for you?
  4. Do you encourage your partner to do things with you? (date night, traveling, sex, etc.)
  5. Do you often check to see if your partner is cheating?
  6. Do trust everything your partner tells you?
  7. Do you try to be sexy around your partner?
  8. How often do you take your partner on dates?
  9. Do you support your partners actions all the time?
  10. How would you describe your romantic era?

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Quiz topic: How Romantic am I?