How retarded are you?

This quiz is what will help you decide who you really are on the inside. If you get the result GEEZ YO SOO STUPID don't bother knockin' on that door cause your only gonna get a knock back.

You ain't got what it takes no matter what. This quiz is the pinnacle of your intellectual career I am sorry. I hope juice boxes and Nick Jr. are good enough for you, because thats all you are looking at

Created by: blinggabro

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you listen to the white fuzz on the TV when it's broken?
  2. Do you lick windows?
  3. How do you make toast?
  4. Do you NOT go to Ohio State University?
  5. 2+2=
  6. Bligga Bligga!
  7. How many times have you walked away from this quiz before you finished?
  8. Let's go CAR SURFING!
  9. What is your favorite song?
  10. What are you going to do when you finish the quiz?

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Quiz topic: How retarded am I?