Are You a Myspace Freak?!?!?!

this is gay they are making me write this stupid paragraph all i wanted to do was amke a quiz not write this retarded paragraph if i wanted to wrie a paragraph i would be in schoo, right now dumbs---

this is gay they are making me write this stupid paragraph all i wanted to do was amke a quiz not write this retarded paragraph if i wanted to wrie a paragraph i would be in schoo, right now dumbs---

Created by: jordan
  1. how many times have u been on myspace today?
  2. how many friends do u have
  3. how many hours a week do u spend on myspace?
  4. how many of your myspace friends do u NOT know?
  5. how often do u change ur myspace layout
  6. how many celebraties have u added
  7. how many times have you changed your song on myspace
  8. this do you think your a myspace freak
  9. how cool is myspace
  10. what do you think of this test

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Quiz topic: Am I a Myspace Freak?!?!?!