How Ready Are You for University?

University might be SCARY as hell so this quiz was made to insure that you are ready af for this shiznit, you're all beautiful people some are just better than others.

University might be SCARY as hell so this quiz was made to insure that you are ready af for this shiznit, you're all beautiful people some are just better than others.

Created by: brennan
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How much sleep do you get regularly?
  2. How often do you drink alcohol?
  3. what was your average in high school?
  4. Whats your social life like?
  5. Are you good with people ?
  6. Are you comfortable with sharing a bathroom?
  7. Will you miss home cooked meals?
  8. How focused are you during class time?
  9. r u cool af?
  10. Do you actually want to go even?

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Quiz topic: How Ready am I for University?