How random are you?

This quiz tells you if you are in need of a mental asylum... It will not be easy... yes it will, you just have to be truthfull for true results. I am really just warning you!

So are you random? Lets find out! take my quiz and put it on your myspace if you like the results. advertise a little... Its good for me!I am now just filling up space... bananas and cream... strawberries, milkshake, Beonka.

Created by: Ben Johnson
  1. You see a brick wall so you
  2. you see a small white dog and deside to...
  3. if you had a lightsavor what color would it be?
  4. blob of bengay
  5. so you see something shiney far off in the distance... what do you do?
  6. so you give a mouse a cookie... the cookie ends up being to hot and his mouth burns so he runs to mexico to cool it off on some burritos and meats another mouse in the mouse maffia named raule and he kills the mouses grandmothers sister which happens to l
  7. why are you taking this quize?
  8. do you want to do well?
  9. will you tell your friends about this?
  10. are you sad the quize is over?

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Quiz topic: How random am I?