How Rachet Are You?

Are people constantly calling you rachet? Do you consider yourself rachet? Well, take the quiz to see where you really fall on the rachet scale and have fun.

Sometimes it's easy to tell if a person is rachet but do you know if you yourself is rachet? Take the to find out where you REALLY fall on the rachet scale and don't forget to turn up.

Created by: RubiksCubeRed
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you consider yourself rachet?
  2. Have you dyed your hair an unnatural color?
  3. Have you ever dressed as a slutty __ for Halloween?
  4. Do you watch any shows on Oxygen?
  5. On Lifetime?
  6. Do you regularly shop at stores like Forever 21, Charlotte Russe or Wet Seal?
  7. Do you wear ridiculously high heels at the club and then promptly them take off?
  8. Do you wear acrylic nails often?
  9. Do you twerk?
  10. Do you call people fake?
  11. Have you been called fake?
  12. Do you consider yourself a "bad b----?"
  13. Have people ever held your hair as you threw up?
  14. Do you 'turn up' often?
  15. Have you ever made penis shaped food?
  16. Do you Keep up with the Kardashians?
  17. Are most of your bras and understand from Victoria's Secret?
  18. Do you wear clothes from PINK?
  19. Do you wear shorts with uggs?
  20. Do you own multiple pairs of uggs?
  21. Do you wear legging/ tights as pants?
  22. Is Nicki Minaj your favorite singer?
  23. Do you Instagram food?
  24. Yourself in the bathroom?
  25. In the club?
  26. In group photos, do you put one hand on your hip and tilt your head to the side?
  27. Do you take selfies often?
  28. Do you use more than one filter on Instagram?
  29. Do you get bottle service at the club?
  30. Do you Snapchat?
  31. Do you Snapchat yourself when you're drunk?
  32. Have you gotten so drunk that you can't remember anything the next day?
  33. Do you want a ridiculously small pet?
  34. Have people accused you of being thirsty?
  35. Do you consider yourself 'classy?'
  36. Do take pictures of yourself with cars that don't belong to you?
  37. Have you been accused of doing the duck face?
  38. Are you competitive on Facebook when it comes to getting more likes than your friends?

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Quiz topic: How Rachet am I?