How Popular Are You?

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In your dreams you have probably always wondered the same question over and over again: "Am I popular?" This quiz will help you find out. In just ten questions you will know the answer to your questions.

You could be very popular, but if you aren't you must remember that you will always have a few close friends to rely on and are kind and caring as well. Enjoy!

Created by: JadeFlower
  1. How pretty are you?
  2. How many friends do you have?
  3. How would you describe your personality?
  4. At a huge party you are...
  5. What do you do when one of your mom's friends comes over and says hello?
  6. What do you like to wear?
  7. Do YOU think you're popular?
  8. In your group of friends you are...
  9. How do you flirt?
  10. Finally, are you a city or a country girl/boy?

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Quiz topic: How Popular am I?

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