how overweight are you? | Comments

Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz how overweight are you?

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  • Are you skinny, normal, obese or morbidly obese?

    Your Result: Morbidly obese 86%

    How can you get clothes in your size???? This is really really not good you need to loose 100lbs or more!!! Can you fit thro doors? Can you see anything but your

    The first time
  • are fat, sorry

    You are overweight, try loosing a few pounds or a lot of pounds, then re take the quiz. Try a healthy lifestyle:) you are between fat and obese. So be healthy with your choices and rate the quiz

    0% You are just right
    0% You are underweight

  • You are 94% overweight 94%

    I'm not sure how you even walk around your so fat! You are morbidly obese, you really need to cut down on your eating and up on the excercise!


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