how old are you really?

it is for people who want to find their inner age. you can be sensitive or whatever plus i did not speell some stuff right k peeps that love quizzes...

kr86666666666666666666666666666665ytjkjyudgnynffffftm,dyutydrfiylllufuyuygfufkgfkuftuftkffufffkgggucgkcgckcgcvcckycygcgcggc hope you enjoy ukdtkdrykcfk

Created by: Emma and Mara
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. you go out for a big party... what do you do.
  2. you are at your best most poshest friends house and you need to fart... what do you do?
  3. you are at a sleepover with different age groups you poop the bed... what do you do
  4. you eat a slice of pizza when you relise your allergic to tomato but you are with your date he thinks you are embarassed what do you do
  5. you are on a date and you ate beans for breakfast you do a long fart... what do you do?
  6. you are shopping and you see an amazing outfit... what do you do?
  7. you are thinking of getting either a cat or dog you dont know what to get... what do you?
  8. you get your hair cut you ask for three centermeters she cuts off nine ... what do you do?
  9. the power goes out and you are watching an episode of your fav show and then the power goes out... what do you do?
  10. you are at a party and there is food on the table they say to dig in but you dont wanna look like a slob... what do you do?

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Quiz topic: How old am I really?