How old are you really

Well this quiz was how old were you really? 2 people made it. 2 people i mean is me, and my cousin Scarlett. So i hope you enjoy this wait there is more......

How old r u really well.... we are about to find out once you read this you are about to find out! If you are not your actual age its because u might act like that age.

Created by: Daniella fabian
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What do you like to do on weekends?
  2. What is a gift to get for your friend/family
  3. What is your fave show
  4. What did ya get for your last bday
  5. Fave Color?
  6. Fave movie?
  7. Fave animal?
  8. Do u play with toys?
  9. Are you bored *-*
  10. Well last question! Rate how many 1-6

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Quiz topic: How old am I really