How Ohio are you?

Are you form Ohio? Maybe, Maybe not. You'll find out soon. This quiz will tell you exactly what you want to know about being from Ohio, you just need to take it.

You will go over some of the most important aspects of living in Ohio. All of which are easily answerable if you do live there. You will have a blast!

Created by: Mason, David, Jacob
  1. Do you go to a corn maze every year?
  2. How often is there construction on the roads where you live?
  3. Watch the Ohio State vs Michigan game every year without fail?
  4. How often does the weather fit the season?
  5. You either come from a big city or have 1000 people in your town.
  6. How long does it take to get to the countryside?
  7. What are your ideal plans for food tonight?
  8. What do you do when bored with your friends?
  9. What animal do you see most often?
  10. What do your summer plans consist of?

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Quiz topic: How Ohio am I?
