How nerdy are you???

This quiz will ask you about things a nerd would do and think??? do you think like a nerd??? do you have the brains of a nerd??? If you think so... take this quiz

Do you think you have what it takes to be a Nerd GOD?!??!?!?! Well if you awnsered yes OR no then take this quiz to see if your right!! I worked realy hard on it!! ENJOY

Created by: Elijah
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you Play video games???
  2. Do You have a N64? Or have played one??? OOORRRR know what it even is?
  3. Do you have glasses?
  4. How much do you spend online or playing Video games???
  5. Are you a Anime fan???
  6. Do you like mustaches???
  7. Do you speak giberish??
  8. 👶 ^ 👶--{===>
  9. Do you talk about stuff you have done online???
  10. Have You liked this quiz

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Quiz topic: How nerdy am I??? You can find more quizzes like this one in our Geeks and Nerds Quiz category.