Geeks and Nerds Quizzes
Geeks and Nerds, those misfits of society. Whatever your interest, be it coding, books, Role Playing or online gaming, there are quizzes out there to promote the geek lifestyle and reassure you that you aren't alone, and you might just be cool too.
Our Geeks and Nerds Quizzes
- What Be Your Nerd Type?[by: Irony, rated: 3.78rated: 3.78/5, published: Feb 23, 2007]
Almost everyone is a nerd deep down; some more than others. There are many types of nerds, some types we might not even consider until looking at ourselves…
- How much of a true nerd are you?[by: SnowFox, rated: 4.26rated: 4.26/5, published: Apr 23, 2016]
Some of us may wonder, what makes a nerd a nerd, and how do you TRULY know if you belong in the nerd squad? Many assume they are a nerd, but what makes you one?
- What kind of nerd are you?[by: Sam, rated: 3.83rated: 3.83/5, published: Jun 26, 2013]
Have you ever asked yourself-- what kid of nerd am I? Science? Math? Technology? Comics? Etc? Nerds are awesome, and there are so many different types of…
- What is your level of geekiness?[by: koshthethird, rated: 3.63rated: 3.63/5, published: May 24, 2008]
As a wise man (me) once said, geekiness is next to godliness. A true geek can manipulate the world around him with the sheer force of will, as well as being…
- How nerdy are you?[by: 130629, rated: 4rated: 4/5, published: Nov 13, 2023]
Hello, quiz taker! Nerds are fairly special people. We're not like those monotonous stereotypes (apologies to them). We're special and different, which is a…
- What Kind of Geek are You?[by: Kayla, rated: 2.91rated: 2.91/5, published: Feb 5, 2013]
Which geek are YOU? Do you want to look good all time? Do you love school? Do you love science? Do you want to live in the library? Or do you want to be a…
- Are You A Nerd Or A Geek?[by: Fredrick, rated: 2.83rated: 2.83/5, published: Nov 27, 2008]
Some people are meant to be nerds and some people are meant to be geeks, that's just how it is. But some people are neither, so sorry if you aren't really a…
- How geek are you?[by: Matthews, rated: 2.68rated: 2.68/5, published: Aug 7, 2006]
Geek. Nerd. I bet you're thinking that this test will give you a headache. I promise it won't. It might leave you thinking I'm an idiot, but oh well. This is…
- How Geeky Are You?[by: Matthew, rated: 2.59rated: 2.59/5, published: Aug 13, 2006]
What is a Geek? Well, there are many definitions of geekdom, but most would agree that the typical Geek enjoys Dungeons and Dragons, anything to do with…
- Nerd Quiz Based On Real Nerd Doings and Wardrobe, Ext.[by: cody, rated: 2.57rated: 2.57/5, published: Jun 6, 2007]
Smart people fall into three blocks. Either your 1. Smart, but your really not a nerd 2. Smart and kind of a geek 3. Complete 4.0 geek with glasses and…
- Which Geek God Are You?[by: Gal, rated: 1rated: 1/5, published: Apr 25, 2014]
The ancient greeks believed in many gods, such as Zeus and Artemis. They were wise and powerful and they had lots of abilities such as shooting lightnings…
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