How much you know about India

There are many people who are Interested about other countries and their religions and all. And there are many genius about other Nations. Who knows about everything about a nation in which they're interested

Do you know about India? It's culture, traditions, fames? Do you? Well, this is my first quiz and these quiz is very easy to answer. Let's see how much you score in this quiz... All the best?

Created by: Chaitra
  1. In which continent India is?
  2. Which is the capital of India?
  3. Which is the national language of India?
  4. How many languages are there in India?
  5. What is the meaning of "Namaste"?
  6. Which religion people are dwelling in India?
  7. Who is the Father of India?
  8. India is famous for____________
  9. When did India get its Freedom from British?
  10. What is the name of a function of India held is US?
  11. India is famous for________among these

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