Genesis :Abraham

It is about Abraham and his wife sarah and it is about Abraham becoming the father of nations and his wife becoming the queen of nation and Abraham has two sons.

This quiz is talking about Abraham and his wife sarah and his friend lot who go's to a new land and Abraham becomes the father of nations and his wife becomes queen of nations.

Created by: Nathaniel Etzkorn

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Where was Abrams home?
  2. Where was Abrams home?
  3. Did Adam and eve have any other children?
  4. Where did lot choose to live?
  5. How old was Noah when the flood began?
  6. Who walk with God and did not die?
  7. how old was Adam when he died?
  8. Abram traveled from?
  9. Who was the oldest man in Chapter 5?
  10. What son was given to Adam and Eve to take abel place?
  11. How old was Abram?
  12. Did the people of sodom believe God would destroy their city?
  13. How many of Abrams trained servants went with Abram to rescue the captive?
  14. How many years that Reu lived?
  15. How old was Eber when he became the father of peleg?
  16. What was the tower of babel made of?
  17. Who was the father of Eber?
  18. How old was Terah when he became father of Abram,Noah and Haran?
  19. Who went with Abram on his Jorney with his wife?
  20. Where was the man who came to see Abraham?

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