How much you is a rabbid

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"Traveling is the best way to expand horizons, immerse yourself in a new culture and experience unforgettable moments. Hit the road and discover the world for yourself!"And also this

"Life is an adventure, and traveling makes it even more exciting. Open your life to new opportunities, meet unfamiliar cultures and capture the brightest moments in your memory. Travel and never stop!" It too

Created by: A worker
  1. How much you are crazy?
  2. Do you like low-quality horror movies and sitcoms from the 90s?
  3. How do you feel about toilet accessories?
  4. What do you think about the moon?
  5. What do you think about human entertainment?
  6. What do you think about floating garbage hotels?
  7. Have you read the book "The History of Lappinism"?
  8. Are you smart and quick-witted, but are you acting like an idiot for fun?
  9. Who were the first and REAL founders of M i.n.c.
  10. Do you belong to any rabbids factions?
  11. How do you treat people?
  12. And finally, are you sure you're a rabbid?

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