How much TF2 comics do you know?

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Created by: Raccoon Neighbor
  1. Is Sniper an actually Aussie?
  2. Who died first? (ghosts don't count as dead)
  3. Which brother is older?
  4. Who wasn't killed by robots?
  5. Who is the Horseless Headless Horseman?
  6. Who doesn't know there are different types of blood?
  7. Who killed a Yeti with their bare hands?
  8. Who is the heir to the Mann co. company?
  9. What is Scout's first name?
  10. Who is a lawyer?
  11. Who is Tavish Finnigan DeGroot?
  12. Who created the life-giving machines?
  13. Who killed a bear with their bare hands?
  14. Who killed the Aussie Santa Claus?
  15. What is Zephinah Manns will written on?
  16. Who killed Redmond and Blutarch?
  17. Who created Jarate?
  18. How was Saxton Hale beaten in the contest for Mann co. ?
  19. What temperature is Saxton Hale's desk?

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Quiz topic: How much TF2 comics do I know?
