How Much Skyhawk is in You?
So, you think you're a Sussex Skyhawks Baseball fan, huh? You could very well be. There are thousands of Skyhawks fans in New Jersey and beyond. On the other hand, you might just a be a wannabe. (There are thousands of those, too.) So we've decided to separate the two.
This little quiz isn't exactly the SATs. We created it in the spirit of fun that characterizes so much of what fans experience at a Skyhawks Baseball game. But it will tell you (and us) just how much of a real Skyhawks' Fan you are or could be. So good luck. And no cheating. Don't go looking for answers at the Skyhawks Website. That's strictly bush league and we know you wouldn't stoop to that. Would you? We're using the honor system here. So what are you waiting for? Step up to the plate. It's your turn at bat.