How Much Should You Gain?

Everyone seems to be trying to lose weight these days. However, there are people who want to do the opposite - whether it's because they don't want to be underweight, or if they want to be fat.

So, do you want to gain? This quiz is mainly aimed at thin (or normal) people who don't like their weight, or people who want to gain but don't know how much! I hope this helps you decide!

Created by: yoshidude123
  1. Are you underweight?
  2. What do you think about your weight?
  3. How much do you like food?
  4. Would you be able to handle negative comments about your fat? (if you were fat, obviously)
  5. Would you mind the difficulty in finding clothes for your size?
  6. Would you mind not being able to fit in some things (e.g. booths) or breaking furniture?
  7. Why do you want to gain weight?
  8. How confident are you, and would you be more confident if you were fat?
  9. What's your opinion on your fat friends?
  10. You look in the mirror and you have the perfect body. What do you look like?

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Quiz topic: How Much should I Gain?

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