How much body fat do you have (mostly for girls)

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Welcome to my quiz to find out how much fat you have. It is about finding out about your weight and is here to comfort you have fun doing it and enjoy your life

Don't take it to serious also if it's pretty accurate you weigh as much you weigh and that's good because everybody is different.have a good time taking the quiz

Created by: Mr. Goodfella
  1. How much do you weigh?
  2. When you stand does your belly spill over your pants?
  3. When sitting with a straight back relax your belly and let it rest. How does it look?
  4. When standing and wearing jeans that you almost can't button up and are very tight what happens?
  5. Now sit down with those jeans with a straight back. What happens.
  6. When sitting how does your belly button look?
  7. Please measure your belly (around belly button and hips)
  8. When you grab your belly fat from the front how much can you get squished?
  9. When grabbing your love handles how much fat can you pinch
  10. Can you grab your muffin top? How much fat is on there?
  11. What size do u usually wear?

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Quiz topic: How much body fat do I have (mostly for girls)
