How much of an idiot are you?

There are many people out there that don't do so well in being smart. Are you one of them? This quiz tests your brain skills and tells if you are Scary Smart, Smart, Average, or Dumbbutt. Have fun taking this quiz!

So the whole point is, are you an idiot? Do you have the serious skills? Am I talking too much? The quiz only tells! So TAKE THE QUIZ IF YOU WANT TO ALREADY!

Created by: Metallica344

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is 2+1004?
  2. Polar Bears eat Penguins. True or False
  3. A red house is made of red bricks. A yellow house and blue house is made of what color the house is with bricks. What is a green house made of?
  4. 6 square=___x___=___
  5. (HORROR MOVIE QUESTION) Micheal Myers murdered his sister at what age?
  6. A Northern Elephant Seal lives where?
  7. President JFK was murdered while in a parade. True or False
  8. An Ostrich can fly. True or False
  9. Sparta,Greek is real. True or False
  10. Do you learn well in school? (If you aren't in school then DID you do well in school)

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Quiz topic: How much of an idiot am I?