Idiotic idiocy test

Idiocy. what exactly is it? well, if you are in fact an idiot, you will not know the answer to this, but if you are a normal upstanding citizen (as a few of us are) then you may like to discover just how stupid you have to be to get classed as this creature we like to call the "idiot".

the question is not so much "are you an idiot" but "how idiotic are you" because, lets face it, we all have our moments! so without further ado, take this crafty quiz to measure your idiocy...will you measure up??

Created by: Idiot
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. If you take this quiz, will it make you any smarter?
  2. A fat person decides they want to lose weight. how should they do this?
  3. "Television improves your mind"...(complete the sentance)
  4. You are approached by an attractive do you react?
  5. you buy a bag of peanuts, but an angry monkey tries to snatch them from you...what do you do?
  6. Why did you even take this pointless quiz in the first place?
  7. you enter a pie-eating contest...why?
  8. my intelligence levels are due to my...(complete the sentance)
  9. this quiz has been...(finish the phrase)
  10. my dream job is...

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