How much of a Photographer are you? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz How much of a Photographer are you?
I got 68% on your quiz and I love taking photos. However, I don't have specific cameras.
Your quiz looks good, it has a strong weighing and formal questions, making you have to do your best. However, there are few problems you should be aware of:
1. Reduce the excessive punctuation on the last question.
2. "Partys" is incorrect, it should be "Parties", but I ignore this.
You are 98% a photographer!
AMAZING! That is all I can say! Your knowledge is superb and I would be glad to go shooting with you! (Photography shooting not with guns!!)
REE1 -
You are 53% a photographer!
Good for you! Could be higher though...I would take a month of classes to see where you get. You may be surprised!
I got 60%. Honestly, I don't know a thing about cameras besides aperture... does this mean I pass?
I love photography. I usually work with digitial so some question were hard. Nice quiz though :)
bugsie1 -
I didn't press anything and got 25 %
I used common sense -
I go 72%
84% wooo
year at uni has already paid off, lol -
loveee cameras :))) but need to learn more. -
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