How much of a Ninja are you?

Hi, I'm Jacob and I'm the one who made this Quiz! I really hope you enjoy it and remember the have fun! This quiz took 13 days to make so please like the quiz and rate it well!

Have you ever thought of being a Ninja? It sounds really cool! And this Quiz will show you Just how much of a Ninja you really are! maybe if you get over 50%, you can become a Ninja in real life!

Created by: Jacob D
  1. What is your favourite Ninja colour?
  2. Have you been in any Ninja class before?
  3. Are you willing to fight some one 2 times bigger than you in an ally way?
  4. If you had to punch someone, where would you do it?
  5. If someone took your best friend, would you...
  6. Where did you grow up?
  7. If someone took your dog and told you you'll die if you went after them, would you...
  8. If you saw your best friend get in a hand-to-hand combat fight with someone a lot bigger than him, would you...
  9. If you were in the one of the stalls in the bathroom at your school or work and someone was looking to kill you and they started to kick open all the stall doors until they got to you, what would you do?
  10. If someone locked you up in a school locker for some reason, would you...
  11. Have you taken Ninja quizes before just like this?
  12. (PART 1)-> If you were on your way to the pet store, what pet would you get?
  13. (PART 2)-> On your way to the pet store, you see a coffee shop being robbed. What will you do?
  14. Do you believe you can go through many years of hard work and training to become a Black Belt Ninja?
  15. Did you have fun doing this Quiz!?

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Quiz topic: How much of a Ninja am I?

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