How much of a Cafekko are you?

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This quiz is to help you understand what a Cafekko truly is! To make sure that you don't go around calling yourself one when you really just kind of like An Cafe a bit...

Is your love with An Cafe intimate? Do you know these basic things about them by heart? You probably should if you're a cafekko! Please don't look these things up as you get to the questions...that ruins the whole point. If you later understand An Cafe better (after getting sommething low on this quiz), then perhaps you can retake it and see if you are yet really a cafekko!

Created by: wakaranai

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is An Cafe?
  2. What is your relationship with An Cafe?
  3. What does Nyappy mean?
  4. How many member s are there in An Cafe?
  5. Which of there is not an An Cafe song?
  6. Which An Cafe Members live together?
  7. What does the "C" in "My heart leaps for 'C'" stand for?
  8. What is something that many An Cafe songs are about?
  9. What is the current status of the band?
  10. Which is true about Yuuki?

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Quiz topic: How much of a Cafekko am I?