How much of a B*tch Are you?

fields will display in the results portion of your quiz. You should take the time to think of good result descriptions, which will make people more willing to post their

lts portion of your quiz. You should take the time to think of good result descriptions, which will make people more willing to post their and i dont shbkjb jhksbasjb

Created by: Local Love of Local Love Personals
(your link here more info)
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. When driving and someone cuts you do you react?
  2. At the mall, you finally found the perfect shoes. You set them down to put back on your own the mean time someone else picks them up and walks away..what do u do?
  3. At work, your boss calls you in his office.. he begins lecturing you on proper attire and good hygiene..
  4. how r u
  5. r u gaysss
  6. man
  7. girl
  8. lol
  9. ddddd
  10. why die

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Quiz topic: How much of a B*tch am I?