How much MAN are you?

are ou a man no then dont bother youll get the answers wrong or will you no you wont but maybe youll cheat or you may not or you make get all the anwser right or wrong or right again. or not

are ou a man no then dont bother youll get the answers wrong or will you no you wont but maybe youll cheat or you may not or you make get all the anwser right or wrong or right again. or not or possiblly will

Created by: Ben-Elia Whitecock
  1. How blue are your eyes?
  2. You want to visit your girlfriend and see that she is sleeping with Ronald Mcdonald. What are you going to do?
  3. You see a chav in the park do you
  4. you want to blow up something then put it on the internet do you
  5. You think the comment left on the last question was slighty bad tasted/racist/sexist/i real dont care what you are actually doing but I will complain about anyway/comunist
  6. you wake up to find hitler has stolen one of your eggs do you
  7. a ginge walks into the classroom do you
  8. are you a christian or a catholic?
  9. are you gay?
  10. your freind creates a humerous quiz dou you

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Quiz topic: How much MAN am I?