What type of chav/chavette are you?
I watched a couple of videos about chavs and read about chavs and chavettes as well. I found out that there are some things that chavs and chavettes do that I don't agree with personally. I thought what if there were some G rated chavs and chavettes? What kinds would there be? I thought about three kinds. They are the creative chav or chavette who wants nothing more than to show their beautiful creations to others. There is also the rebellious chav or chavette that wants nothing more than for society to stop having an uncontrollable need to make everyone conform and be the same, and just let people be the real them! Lastly, there's the free spirited chav or chavette. All they want is to just live their lives as the real them.
What kind of G rated chav or chavette are you? Are you a creative chav or chavette who sees beauty in many things? Are you a rebellious chav or chavette who just wants to be unique? Or are you a free spirited chav or chavette that is just living their lives as the real them? Take the quiz to find out!
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