How Much Like Me Are You?

Simple SIMPLE test, to see if you are anything like me! I won't give away any of the answers :P I don't know why I have to write this paragraph, it's not like anyone actually READS these...

I don't know why I have to write this paragraph, it's not like anyone actually READS these... WELL, you should check out my junk at Deviantart and youtube! my username is ALWAYS goodnobakes ok?

Created by: Good_no_Bakes

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. You just lost your watch.
  2. what game is the best?
  3. Which site do you spend the most time at?
  4. :la:
  5. what book is the best?
  6. finish the sentence. this is
  7. what TV show is best?
  8. what song is WAY coolio?
  9. favorite subject in school?
  10. Favorite color?
  11. Favorite food
  12. Smashtasm is a...
  13. Boba fett is...
  14. where theres smoke...
  15. which quality do you have most abundantly?

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Quiz topic: How Much Like Me am I?