how smart r u?

simple questions. simple ansers. cant get more simple. ok this is realy pissing me off because thay require a lot of crap which you will find out because i am intent on beating the system and you dont have to read the second paragraph its just the same only backwards

sdrawkcab ylno emas eht tsuj sti hpargarap dnoces eht daer ot evah tnod uoy dna metsys eht gnitaeb no tnetni ma i esuaceb tuo dnif lliw uoy hcihw parc fo tol a eriuqer yaht esuaceb ffo em gnissip ylaer si siht ko .elpmis erom teg tnac .sresna elpmis .snoitseuq elpmis

Created by: nick

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. If there are five apples, and you take away three, how many do you have?
  2. Lee's parents emigrated from China. They have five children. The first four are named La, Le, Li, and Lo. What did they name the fifth?
  3. A red house is made from red bricks, a blue house is made from blue bricks, a pink house is made from pink bricks, and a black house is made from black bricks. What is a greenhouse made from?
  4. The Spanish Civil War, which began July 17 of 1936, was fought between:
  5. In baseball, how many outs are there in an inning
  6. Do they have a Fourth of July in England?
  7. If the hour hand on a clock moves 1/60 of a degree every minute how many degrees will the hand move in one hour?
  8. Due to a birth defect, a boy is born with 14 toes, 11 fingers, and 3 thumbs. How many fingernails does the boy have?
  9. George Bush's approval rating has recently fluctuated between 35% and 60%. Approximately what chance does George Bush have to win the 2008 Presidential election?
  10. Some months have 31 days, and some months have 30 days. But how many have 28 days?
  11. You're the pilot of an airplane that travels from New York to Chicago - a distance of 800 miles. The plane travels at 200 MPH and makes one stop for 30 minutes. What is the pilot's name?
  12. If the Vice President of the United States died, who would be President?
  13. John digs a hole that is 2 yards wide, 3 yards long, and 1 yard deep. How many cubic feet of dirt are in it?
  14. 17 When you adjust for inflation, which is worth more:
  15. Which of the following times occur after 3pm?
  16. thay require that this paragragraph must be at least 150 characters and must not contain gbberish or excessive repeating characters. now thay are sayingPlease do not mention the 150 character requirement in the Paragraph! You can think of something to s

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