How much like me are you?

Hi this is my quiz about me, take this to find out how much alike we are! Good luck 😉 as you may get the results you want, if not then don't worry :)

Just click through the answers and then you will get your result, it's that easy! (Cringey ad voice smh) anyways enjoy! And remember you are pretty cool

Created by: Holly
  1. What gender are you?
  2. What is your nationality?
  3. What colour is your hair? (Naturally)
  4. What is your eye colour?
  5. What colour is your skin? (Naturally)
  6. How tall are you?
  7. How old are you?
  8. What season is your birthday?
  9. Which is your favourite genre of music?
  10. Who is your favourite popstar?
  11. What is your favourite colour?
  12. What is your favourite animal?
  13. Cats or dogs?

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Quiz topic: How much like me am I?
