How much like Art3mis are you in Ready Player One?

This quiz shows how much you are like the character Art3mis from Ready Player One. (Book written by Ernest Cline) I really hope you enjoy this quiz and I hope you like your results!

Art3mis is one of my favorite characters from Ready Player One. She is intelligent, brave, spunky, independent, selfless, funny, bold, and kind. I really hope you enjoy my quiz and I’m sorry if it’s not accurate.

Created by: Lily
  1. What personality is most like you?
  2. What is your favorite animal?
  3. Do you like gaming?
  4. Who is your favorite character in Ready Player One?
  5. Which of these qualities are you most like?
  6. What is your favorite color?
  7. Gunter or sixer?
  8. What is your favorite hair color?
  9. What is your age?
  10. What is your gender?

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Quiz topic: How much like Art3mis am I in Ready Player One?
