How much knowledge you have about Islam?

Salam! Hope your doing good Hope you doing wellMay Allah reward you for your efforts and continue to strive for the right part and continue learning Islam don’t be discouraged know that Allah is always with you

If you got good say Alhauduallah and continue to learn more about Islam may Allah protect you from the bad evil eyes and sins and if you got bad don’t worry don’t be discouraged Allah knows that you’re trying go for it may Allah help in many ways

Created by: Leena
  1. Who is known as the best friends of Allah
  2. Which surah is called the heart of the Quran?
  3. What is the reward for fasting during Ramadan?
  4. How many chapters (Surahs) are there in the Quran?
  5. What does the word “Tawheed” mean?
  6. What is the title given to the wives of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)?
  7. How many days does Eid al-Adha last?
  8. What is the name of the special prayer offered during Ramadan at night?
  9. Who built the Kaaba with Prophet Ibrahim (AS)?
  10. What is the name of the Prophet’s (PBUH) mother?
  11. How many companions were with the Prophet (PBUH) during the migration to Madinah?
  12. What is the reward for reciting Surah Al-Kahf on Fridays?
  13. How many sons did Prophet Ibrahim (AS) have?
  14. Which Prophet could speak to animalss
  15. Which surah is known as “Ummul Quran” (Mother of the Quran)?
  16. How many times is the word “Allah” mentioned in the Quran?
  17. What was the first battle in Islam?

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